Erin Brockovich Movie Reviews,Trailer,DVD

Erin Brockovich dvd cover,poster
Erin Brockovich Movie Reviews,Trailer,DVD-Maybe this movie is not the right choice for action fans, but that is the only restriction of my otherwise fullest recommendation for this movie.

More Albert Finney, David Brisbin, Julia Roberts, romantic |

A little bit of heaven Movie Reviews,Trailer,DVD

A little bit of heaven cover,poster,dvd
A little bit of heaven Movie Reviews,DVD,Trailer-i should tell you that i am a big Kate Hudson fan. I loved her performance,her acting in the movie. Now,if you take Kate Hudson out of this movie,only crap is left Very below average performance by her doctor and friend's characters The direction becomes horrible in the climax as there movie becomes very slow in the later half. The element of romance is absent in the story,this is one of the biggest reason i am disappointed with the movie.

More Gael Garcia Bernal, Kate Hudson, Peter Dinklage, romantic |
